SEM and EDS Services

Rave Scientific offers failure analysis and analytical services supporting all areas of research and manufacturing, including areas such as electronics, medical, life science and the aerospace industries. The  Rave Analytical team collectively has over five decades of experience which enables our staff to guide our customers to the right solutions and answers to their problems. Our goal is to ensure we get you the  best results from our  instruments in the least amount of time. Rave Analytical has the following characterization techniques available:




  • High Resolution Field Emission imaging with a Zeiss FESEM
  • In-Lens Secondary, Back Scattered and Standard Secondary Imaging 
  • EDS (Energy Dispersive Analysis) and EBSD (Electron Backscattered Scanning Diffraction)  analysis with an Oxford EDS and EBSD X-MAX and Symmetry detectors 
  • Variable Pressure Imaging for Non-Conductive Samples 
  • Cryo Imaging with the Leica Cryo Transfer System
  • Array tomography with the  Zeiss Atlas automated software.
  • Sample preparation of SEM specimens-Sputter and Carbon evaporation. 
  • Dehydration and Critcal Point Drying of Life Science Tissue 
  • Focused Ion Beam services for general Cross Sectioning and Characterization.
  • TEM analysis 
  • 3D X-ray Analysis (Non Destructive)