TEM Plasma Cleaning Solution For Samples and Holders

Hydrocarbon contamination can reduce image resolution and contrast. The fact is the majority of researchers are not aware that results can be dramatically improved if a protocol of plasma cleaning is integrated into their work flow. The ibss Mobile Cubic Asher utilizes the GV10x QS plasma source and offers an effective and economic way to address sample cleanliness for TEM & SEM environment. The MCA provides best in class versatility for any laboratory environment and incorporates the following features:
- Three TEM holders of any manufacturer can be cleaned or stored simultaneously
- Unparalleled gentle TEM specimen cleaning
- The MCA features the Qwk-Switch GV10x Source mount to facilitate source transfer to SEM or FIB for in situ specimen and EM chamber cleaning
- Simple user interface: 3 position toggle switch - On/Off/Vent initiate cleaning.
- ibss GUI/software in Tablet provides settable menus, time and power and monitoring and setting of plasma parameters.
- Choice of plasma gas mixtures available on request
- Locking caster on S/S cart offers effortless movement when shifting the plasma cleaning center from EM lab to EM lab
- Locking drawer Locks for Tablet Security
- Oil free pumping system
1 MCA carbon removal rate is repeatable: at 30W removal rate is 1.5 nm/min – see Downstream Plasma Technology for Cleaning TEM Samples on Carbon Films, Microscopy-Today, January 2014.
ibss Mobile Cubic Asher System

RS-IBSS-MCA | each |
The ibss Mobile Cubic Asher is a mobile plasma cleaning system that integrates the ibss GV10x for sample cleaning, TEM Holder cleaning and medical device cleaning. The MCA comes standard with the ibss Qwk-Switch valve and allows the plasma source to be removed and used on chambers of other analytical instruments. |
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