Safematic CCU-010-Coating System Supplies                                                                                                                  


Safematic 3


Rave Scientific  offers all required consumables and supplies for the Safematic SEM Sputter and Carbon Coating system. The Safematic sputter coating system requires 54mm diameter sputter targets and the automated carbon threading system spools of carbon in 1 and 2 meter length. 

Carbon Thread Spools 

Quartz Crystal Monitors

Sputter Targets 

Glass Chamber with Scale Bar


Bell Jar Polish

Lint Free Cloths

Applicators and Polishing Sticks

Safematic Carbon Thread Spools

Kohlefaden3Safematic carbon thread spools are designed specifically for the Safematic Automatic Carbon Threading Unit The spools come  in 2 meter spools and is  Grade CT16. This is a medium carbon fiber thread with a diameter of 1.3mm and a weight of 0.7g/m

54mm Safematic SEM Sputter Targets

sputter targers smallØ54mm disc type sputter targets for Safematic sputter coaters 

Product Part Number Price
Iridium Target, Ø54 x 0.3mm Disc, 99.99% Ir RS-RSI-70-IR5412 $6,325.00 each
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Chromium Target, Ø54 x 0.5mm Disc, 99.95% Cr RS-RSI-70-CR5420 $595.00 each
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Titanium Target, Ø54 x 0.25mm Disc, 99.6+% Ti RS-RSI-70-TI5410 $325.00 each
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Platinum Target, Ø54 x 0.2mm Disc, 99.99% Pt RS-RSI-70-PT5408 $1,236.00 each
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Platinum Target, Ø54 x 0.1mm Disc, 99.99% Pt RS-RSI-70-PT5404 $744.00 each
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Platinum/Palladium Target, Ø54 x 0.2mm Disc, 80/20 Pt/Pd 99.99% Pt/Pd RS-RSI-70-PP5408 $1,188.00 each
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Platinum/Palladium Target, Ø54 x 0.1mm Disc, 80/20 Pt/Pd 99.99% Pt/Pd RS-RSI-70-PP5404 $726.00 each
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Palladium Target, Ø54 x 0.1mm Disc, 99.99% Pd RS-RSI-70-PD5404 $616.25 each
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Nickel Target, Ø54 x 0.075mm Disc, 99.98% Ni RS-RSI-70-NI5403 $179.00 each
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Silver Target, Ø54 x 0.25mm Disc, 99.97% Ag RS-RSI-70-AG5410 $316.25 each
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Gold Target, Ø54 x 0.2mm Disc, 99.99% Au RS-RSI-70-AU5408 $1,485.00 each
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Copper Target, Ø54 x 0.25mm Disc, 99.99% Cu RS-RSI-70-CU5410 $200.00 each
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Gold Target, Ø54 x 0.1mm Disc, 99.99% Au RS-RSI-70-AU5404 $873.50 each
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Gold/Palladium Target, Ø54 x 0.2mm Disc, 80/20 Au/Pd, 99.99% Au/Pd RS-RSI-70-AP5409 $1,270.50 each
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Gold/Palladium Target, Ø54 x 0.2mm Disc, 60/40 Au/Pd, 99.99% Au/Pd RS-RSI-70-AP5408 $1,095.00 each
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Gold/Palladium Target, Ø54 x 0.1mm Disc, 80/20 Au/Pd, 99.99% Au/Pd RS-RSI-70-AP5405 $795.00 each
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Gold/Palladium Target, Ø54 x 0.1mm Disc, 60/40 Au/Pd, 99.99% Au/Pd RS-RSI-70-AP5404 $695.00 each
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Aluminum Target, Ø54 x 0.25mm Disc, 99.999% Al RS-RSI-70-AL5410 $175.50 each
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Tungsten Sputter Target 54mm x 1mm thick RS-SM-300008 $600.00 each
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Gold Target, Ø54 x 0.3mm Disc, 99.99% Au RS-RSI-70-AU5412 $1,942.50 each
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Palladium Target, Ø54 x 0.2mm Disc, 99.99% Pd RS-RSI-70-PD5408 $1,295.00 each
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Iron Target, Ø54 x 0.1mm, 99.5% Fe RS-RSI-70-FE5404 $165.00 each
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Zinc Target, Ø54 x 0.5mm Disc, 99.5% Zn RS-RSI-70-ZN5420 $195.00 each
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Zinc Target, Ø54 x 0.20mm Disc, 99.5% Zn RS-RSI-70-ZN5408 $195.00 each
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Cobalt Target, Ø54 x 0.1mm Disc, 99.99% Cr RS-RSI-70-CO5404 $450.00 each
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Cobalt Target, Ø54 x 0.5 mm Disc, 99.99% Cr RS-RSI-70-CO5420 $475.00 each
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ITO target 54mm x 2mm thickness (ITO 90/10, 99.99% RS-SM-300012 $625.00 each
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Palladium Target, Ø54 x 0.5mm Disc, 99.99% Pd RS-RSI-70-PD5410 $2,510.00 each
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Molybdenum Target 99.95% Pure 54mm Diameter x 0.2mm Thick RS-RSI-70- MO5408 $257.85 each
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Iridium Target, Ø54 x 0.1mm Disc, 99.99% Ir RS-RSI-70-IR5404 $3,395.00 each
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Indium Sputter Target, Ø54 x 0.2mm Disc, 99.99% In RS-RSI-70-IN5408 $387.40 each
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Iridium Target, Ø54 x 0.2mm Disc, 99.99% Ir RS-RSI-70-IR5406 $4,250.00 each
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Aluminum Sputter Target 54mm x 1mm thick RS-RSI-70-AL5401 $350.00 each
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Palladium/Copper Target, Ø54 x 0.1mm Disc, 50/50 Pd/Cu 99.99% Pd/Cu RS-RSI-70-PC5401 $630.00 each
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Palladium/Indium Target, Ø54 x 0.1mm Disc, 80/20 Pd/In 99.99% Pd/In RS-RSI-70-PI5401 $750.00 each
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Gold Target, Ø54 x 1.0mm Disc, 99.99% Au RS-RSI-70-AU5410 $5,120.50 each
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Chromium Target, Ø54 x 3.2mm Disc, 99.95% Cr RS-RSI-70-CR5432 $695.00 each
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Molydenum Sputter Target, Ø54 x 0.20mm Disc, 99.95% Mo RS-RSI-70-MO5410 $310.00 each
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Palladium Target, Ø54 x 0.3mm Disc, 99.99% Pd RS-RSI-70-PD5412 $1,032.00 each
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Silver Target, Ø54 x 0.3mm Disc, 99.99% Ag RS-RSI-70-AG5420 $254.95 each
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Lead Target, Ø54 x 0.20mm Disc, 99.99% Pb RS-RSI-70-PB5408 $226.84 each
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Safematic Quartz Crystal Monitors

rs mn 19 010855Safematic Quartz Crystal monitors are designed to measure coating thickness accurately and are to be replaced periodically and come in a pack of 10. 

Product Part Number Price
Safematic Electrode Quartz Crystals for thickness monitors/controllers, pkg/10 RS-SM-300016 $126.67 each
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HS-010 Head storage box

rs mn 19 010855The Safematic  HS-010 vacuum storage box allows you to keep a second coating unit for your CCU-010 compact coating unit, an additional planetary or rotary stage and the full range of sputtering  targets and carbon thread always clean under vacuum. An integrated pump line attachable to the basic unit pumps down the storage box to vacuum using the available pumping system of the CCU-010.  A  comfortable and easy to use manual lock and vent valve allows the independent pump and vent control of the storage box.

Product Part Number Price
Safematic HS-010 Head Storage Box RS-SM-1000087 $3,750.00 each
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Safematiic ST-010 specimen stage for microscopy slides with Film Thickness Monitor

rs mn 19 010855The Safematic ST-010 specimen stage for two microscopy slides  76 x 26mm or one slide 76 x 52mm. Includes six mounting clips and two film thickness quartz monitor positions. 

Product Part Number Price
Safematic ST-010 specimen stage for microscopy slides RS-SM-1000088 $595.00 each
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Safematic RS-010 Rotary Table with Film Thickness Monitor

rs mn 19 010855The Safematic rotary table is attached to the existing stage of the basic unit. An automatic table recognition and speed control of rotation 0  to 100 % is integrated into the software of the basic unit. The table can hold a total of 20 sample stubs. Simultaneous placement of 5 large stubs with a diameter of 25.4 mm or 10 small stubs with a diameter of 12.7 mm is possible. The table is integrated with a film thickness monitor. 

Product Part Number Price
Safematiic RS-010 Rotary stage RS-SM-100005 $3,450.00 each
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Safematic PS-006 Planetary stage with Film Thickness Monitor

rs mn 19 010855The Safematic planetary stage gear table is attached to the existing stage of the basic unit. A film thickness monitor is fitted as standard which will precisely monitor and control film thickness of carbon and metal films. An automatic table recognition and speed control of 0 to 100% is integrated into the software of the basic unit. The table can hold a total of 6 sample stubs. The basic table turns clockwise, the 6 sample stub holders turn anti-clockwise. 

Product Part Number Price
Safematiic PS-006 Planetary stage RS-SM-100006 $4,250.00 each
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Glass Chamber with Scale Bar

Screen Shot 2018 12 28 at 11.33.30 AMSafematic glass chamber with a scale bar acts as a user guide to adjusting working distance and sealing vacuum around the sample coating area. 

Product Part Number Price
Safematic Glass Chamber with Scale Bar RS-SM-40000 $395.00 each
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Safematic Implosion Guard RS-SM-40001 $72.00 each
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Safematic Coating Lab Software

rs mn 19 010855The Safematic Windows software Coating LAB allows you to visualize process pressure, current, voltage, coating rate, coating thickness and sample temperature as real-time curves. The integrated export function saves the values in an image format or as an Excel file, enabling you to process the data further. Apart from the real-time curves, you can use the history function to import from the device and display the process details of the last ten coatings. 

Product Part Number Price
Safematic Coating Lab Software RS-SM-100010 $2,495.00 each
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