1200PD045 1 The POWERSONIC model P1200D-45 with Power Control is a 2.5 gallon ultrasonic heated cleaner and comes fully equipped with an Ultrasonic Power Control and  Ultrasonic Digital display of 0-99 minute timer and a thermostat range of 20-80 degrees Celsius (175 degrees Fahrenheit) with 200 watts of heat. With an ultrasonic power top output of 100 watts on average and a frequency of 45 kHz with a sweep of +/- 1.5 kHz The Powersonic P1200D-45 ultrasonic cleaning unit comes with a 2 year parts and labor warranty. Crest's Powersonic rugged industrial-strength performance gives you consistent quality at a bench top price. Crest's exclusive Powersonic feature ensures uniform cleaning throughout the tank by sweeping the ultrasonic frequency 3 kHz, creating overlapping ultrasonic waves. This eliminates inconsistent cleaning due to hot spots (areas of intense ultrasonic activity) in the cleaning solution, caused by the unvarying or "standing" waves produced by conventional    ultrasonic power supplies.      

Crest Powersonic P1200D-45 Ultrasonic Cleaner

1200PD045 1 The POWERSONIC model P1200D-45 with Power Control is a 2.5 gallon ultrasonic heated cleaner and comes fully equipped with an Ultrasonic Power Control and  Ultrasonic Digital display of 0-99 minute timer and a thermostat range of 20-80 degrees Celsius (175 degrees Fahrenheit) with 200 watts of heat. With an ultrasonic power top output of 100 watts on average and a frequency of 45 kHz with a sweep of +/- 1.5 kHz The Powersonic P1200D-45 ultrasonic cleaning unit comes with a 2 year parts and labor warranty. Crest's Powersonic rugged industrial-strength performance gives you consistent quality at a bench top price. Crest's exclusive Powersonic feature ensures uniform cleaning throughout the tank by sweeping the ultrasonic frequency 3 kHz, creating overlapping ultrasonic waves. This eliminates inconsistent cleaning due to hot spots (areas of intense ultrasonic activity) in the cleaning solution, caused by the unvarying or "standing" waves produced by conventional    ultrasonic power supplies.      

Product Part Number Price
Crest P1200D-045-1 Ultrasonic Cleaner 115 Volts RS-CU-1200PD045-1 $1,530.00 each
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Crest P1200D-045-2 Ultrasonic Cleaner 230 Volts RS-CU-1200PD045-2 $1,530.00 each
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