EM-Tec CXS-5C light element and EDS calibration standard, 5 materials plus 200M TEM grid on pin stub RS-MN-36-000506

Common price: $256.99 Our price: $342.65 each Out of stock Weight: 0.136 lb

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The EM-Tec CXS-5C calibration standard includes 5 reference materials and a 200mesh copper grid All mounted in a compact Ø12.7mm standard aluminum pin stub. The 200mesh copper grid acts as an image size reference and with the aluminum pin stub it serves as a Cu/Al reference for detector gain/zero calibration. Intended for: EDS detector performance, light element detection, EDS detector resolution, EDS detector calibration and quantitative analysis test. Reference materials: Stainless steel (SRM 1155), Sio2, Mn, B and C. 200mesh copper grid.