rs mn 33 001070The finely dispersed thin gold particles on a carbon film provide an excellent high resolution TEM standard. The gold particle size distribution is normally in the 2nm to 9nm range. Image quality, magnification and instrument stability are readily determined. For resolution assessment, this standard offers a choice of crystalline orientation on static or low tilt stages. The thickness of the crystals can be calculated form the projected shape of the gold crystal. The background noise from the structure of the carbon support film helps in determining the operating transfer function.

EM-Tec TR1 TEM resolution standard fine gold particle

rs mn 33 001070The finely dispersed thin gold particles on a carbon film provide an excellent high resolution TEM standard. The gold particle size distribution is normally in the 2nm to 9nm range. Image quality, magnification and instrument stability are readily determined. For resolution assessment, this standard offers a choice of crystalline orientation on static or low tilt stages. The thickness of the crystals can be calculated form the projected shape of the gold crystal. The background noise from the structure of the carbon support film helps in determining the operating transfer function.

Product Part Number Price
EM-Tec TR1 TEM resolution standard fine gold particles RS-MN-33-001070 $98.65 each
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